Kerr Mackie Primary School
Gledhow Lane

0113 336 8499

Kerr Mackie Primary School

Together everyone achieves more.


Welcome to Kerr Mackie Nursery!

Our Nursery class teacher is Miss Johnson and our teaching assistant is Miss Begum




Key information

  • Drop off time is between 8:45am – 9:00am/ 12:15pm - 12:30pm. Pick-up time is between 11:35am - 11:45am/ 3:10pm – 3:30pm. Please drop off and collect your child from the side gate to the Reception classroom. (If you arrive to school after 9:00am/ 12:30pm, you will need to sign in at the school office. Any children not collected by 3:30pm will need to be collected from the after-school club)
  • Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes, waterproofs and wellies, bag and water bottle in school everyday.

Class routine

8.45 am – 9:00am Doors open to welcome children

Self-registration and access to provision

(This time is an opportunity for children to greet each other, build their relationships with each other, and develop their communication skills)

9.10 am – Adult-led teaching input

9.20. am – Continuous provision

(Balance of focused, child initiated and independent activities within the indoor and outdoor environment. May also include adult led small group activities)

11.15 am – Tidy up

11.25 am  – Story time/ circle time/ sharing learning/phonics

11.35 amHome time (for Morning group)/ Lunch time

12.15 pm – 12:30pm - Doors open for afternoon session children

12.30 pm  - Adult led teaching input        

12.40 pm – Continuous provision

(Balance of focused, child initiated and independent activities within the indoor and outdoor environment. May also include adult led small group activities)

2.45 pm – Tidy up

2.55 pm – Story time/ circle time/ sharing learning/phonics

3.15 pmHome time

Nursery Application Form

If you wish to apply for a place at Kerr Mackie Nursery, please complete the below form. Please select from the drop down menus to complete the form. The hours we have on offer are as follows; 30 Hrs - this would be full time if parents are eligible. AM - this would be mornings only Monday to Friday PM - this would be afternoons only Monday to Friday Beginning Week - this would be Monday and Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning End of Week = this would be Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday and Friday

Nursery News

 KMPS EYFS Welcome Handbook Nursery.pdfDownload
 Nursery Focus Texts.pdfDownload
 Nursery timetable.pdfDownload
 Your New Nursery.pdfDownload
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