Our Values
We believe in 5 core values which we call our '5 Cs'. These values run through everything that we do at Kerr Mackie both for pupils and adults and they are Community, Challenge, Confidence, Curiosity and Care.
We want our children to celebrate and value their heritage, knowing how they can contribute to a better world, both as a child, then as an adult.
We want our children to experience a curriculum that challenges them both academically and socially, promoting life skills, resilience and ambition so they are equipped for an ever-changing world.
We want out children to be excited by their learning. We want them to have the confidence and skills to ask questions and the independence to find things out.
We want our curriculum to be rich in language and structured discussion. The curriculum needs to make links with prior learning and across subjects so our children are able to make connections so learning is embedded and purposeful.
Kerr Mackie is a richly diverse school with the children having different heritages, languages, life experiences and starting points on entry to the school.