Together everyone achieves more.

School Uniform

The school requires all pupils to wear school uniform to promote a sense of belonging and a sense of community whilst ensuring equality of status in dress. The school encourages pupils to look neat and tidy at all times and to take a pride in their appearance. Parents are asked to support their children in this respect by providing the correct uniform marked with their child’s name and to encourage them to look after it. 

Please view our school uniform requirements below and click on the link to order. 


  • Uniforms can be purchased from a range of retail outlets such as :  
  • Unbranded school uniforms, in the appropriate colours, can also be obtained from local outlets, such as Tesco on Roundhay Road.
  •  Please note second-hand uniforms are available for parents to acquire. Information on second-hand uniforms for Kerr Mackie can be found at Leeds uniform exchange .

Our school uniform is as follows and is compulsory:


  • Navy trousers/skirt/shorts
  • Navy sweatshirt/cardigan with or without the Kerr Mackie logo
  • White polo shirts
  • White shirt/blouse
  • Black shoes
  • Black Pumps for indoors
  • Grey/navy tights
  • Grey/navy/white socks
  • Blue and white gingham/striped dresses may be worn in the summer months

For PE and Sport, Navy shorts and a white t-shirt or track suit, together with socks and appropriate footwear for outdoors and black shorts and white t-shirt or leotard for indoor use. We do not expect our pupils to wear denim in school.