Kerr Mackie Primary School
Gledhow Lane

0113 336 8499

Kerr Mackie Primary School

Together everyone achieves more.

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

Minimum offer of support for children and young people with SEND at Kerr Mackie Primary School


Kerr Mackie Primary School has an inclusive ethos.  All pupils are expected to reach their full potential. Pupil progress meetings every term identify the need for early intervention which is closely monitored by an extensive provision map. We achieve this by working closely with children, parents and other professionals.



We have an effective SENCO who has dedicated time to monitor, review and evaluate our SEN provision. Data is collected every half term for all pupils and the achievement and progress of children with personalised plans is monitored and reported to Senior Leadership.

We have a governor with specific responsibility for SEND who liaises with the SENCO and reports to the full governing body.



Funding for SEND is used according to the specific needs of the children. Some is used for resources to support inclusion in the classroom or for targeted intervention work eg IT equipment. Some is used to employ additional staff to work with small groups of children and sometimes on a 1:1 basis with a child. Some funding goes towards accessing relevant training for staff to ensure we have the right professional knowledge to support every child. The school also uses some of the main budget to support SEND at various levels throughout the school.



The school has a range of policies related to SEND. These policies include:

Accessibility Plan Health and safety Keeping Children Safe in Education
Safeguarding and Child Protection Inclusion Supporting Children With Medical Needs
Equality Learning and teaching Good Relationships and Positive Behaviour


These policies are reviewed regularly and are available to parents by going to our 'Policies' webpage.


Curriculum, teaching and learning

Our curriculum is well planned and differentiated to allow all children to be taught at an appropriate level for them to make progress. Class teachers are well supported by teaching assistants both of whom deliver small group work and 1:1 work for children. They also deliver some specific intervention work such as speech and language programmes and social interaction programmes. Pupils may have a personalised plan with small achievable targets, discussed and agreed with the child, monitored and reviewed regularly by the teaching assistant, class teacher and SENCo. The class teacher and the teaching assistant will ensure this is working for the pupil. These personalised plans are shared with parents and reviewed regularly. If a specific intervention would benefit the pupil, this is organised, delivered and reviewed. This may include nurture work or 1:1 mentoring. The school ensures that there are appropriate resources for all children and the learning environment is accessible for everyone. Our curriculum is planned around practical experiences, visits and visitors, to ensure learning relates to children’s first-hand experiences. We focus on good learning behaviours so that all children can be successful. We work closely with Roundhay All Through School, Allerton Grange and Carr Manor Secondary schools  to ensure transition to high school builds gradually through key stage two. Specific, more vulnerable pupils are offered additional transition opportunities. Every class moves to their new year group for one day in  the summer term, working (whenever possible) with their new teacher and teaching assistants. The Y6 pupils go to the relevant secondary school. When children transfer to other settings, a similar gradual and systematic approach is adopted.



All pupils are assessed every half term in reading, writing and maths. This data is reviewed by the Headteacher and SLT. Any pupil not making expected progress is offered tailored support, either through quality first teaching or through a targeted intervention depending on their need, to ensure they catch up as soon as possible.  All our interventions are entered on our provision map. Interventions are monitored for effectiveness. All pupils who have been identified as having a special need are monitored every term to see if that need still exists, to see if progress is being made by that pupil, and, if necessary, to identify what additional help is required to support that pupil. Where additional diagnostic information is required, we administer some standard screening tests in school or refer to another professional from an outside agency who can undertake a more in-depth diagnostic assessment which will then inform a personalised intervention programme.



All our teaching staff access additional training to ensure they have the appropriate skills to identify and support pupils with any additional needs. Teaching assistants are also trained to deliver tailored support such as speech and language. We have 2 staff members; Mrs Cambridge and Mrs Lal who are trained to lead on CAFs and 4 members of staff trained to deal with child protection issues. Many staff have been trained in positive handling and behaviour management.



As well as working closely with parents, support is sought from other agencies where necessary in order to maximise learning potential.

We regularly engage with, Educational Psychologists, Attendance Team,  Autistic Spectrum (STARS team), Early Years SEN, Speech and language, School Nursing service, CAMHS, Parent Partnership,  Children’s social care, Complex Needs Team, Behaviour Support, and school paediatrician.

The school works closely with the other local schools (The North East cluster and family of schools) and Roundhay Children’s Centre. The cluster has a parent support worker and a TaMHS worker who can be accessed by the school as required. The school is part of the NE Leeds AIP. This ensures that there is additional provision for pupils with high levels of complex needs and enables them to access alternative placements.


Common Abbreviations and Acronyms

AIP area inclusion partnership KS2 Key Stage 2 age 7-11, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6
CAF common assessment framework SEN special educational needs
CAMHS child and adolescent mental health services SEND special educational needs and disabilities
EdPsych Educational psychologist SENDCO special educational needs co-ordinator
EYFS early years foundation stage age 3-5, nursery and reception SLT Senior Leadership Team
IT information technology TaMHS targeted mental health in schools
KS1 Key Stage 1 age 5-7, Y1 and Y2

Frequently Asked Questions

Speak to your class teacher initially and ask to arrange a meeting with the SENDCO. The school will work with you to establish what additional help your child may need.

The class teacher and the SENDCO will develop a plan for your child. This may be a personalised plan. This will have specific targets for your child. The targets will involve the teacher, the teaching assistant, your child and yourself. It will be shared with you. The school leaders will monitor how effective this provision is. When necessary, the school will access additional help for your child, for example through outside agencies from the local authority or the health service.

Work will be differentiated for your child. Your child may be taught in small groups with a teacher or a teaching assistant, planned and monitored by the teacher. Your child may need additional resources. The curriculum will enable the targets on the personalised plan to be met.

You will be invited to parent consultation evenings 3 times a year. You can also request additional meetings with the class teacher and/or SENDCO and other professionals. You will receive a written report once a year. Whenever your child’s personalised plan is being reviewed, you will be invited to discuss the progress made and the new targets. If your child receives additional funding due to their special educational need, a formal review will be held each term, one of which will be an Annual Review at which reports from all professionals involved with your child will be shared and discussed. Both you and your child will have an opportunity to make a similar contribution.

Your child will be cared for primarily by the class teacher. If they have additional physical needs, these will be discussed with you and the SENDCO. Suitable plans will be put in place eg intimate care plans. If necessary, there will be a teaching assistant designated to look after additional physical needs. The school’s health and safety policy and medicine policy will be followed. All children have access to support for their emotional wellbeing, not only through their class teacher and teaching assistant, but also through our learning mentor.

The SENDCO will access any additional support your child needs. This will vary but could include: school nurse, educational psychologist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, TaMHs counsellor, STARs team, hearing impaired team, visually impaired team and paediatrician.

Staff regularly undergo training on a range of SEND issues, relevant to our school population and the children they work with eg autistic spectrum condition, dyslexia, bereavement and loss, attachment disorder. Some of this training is provided in school; some is accessed on an individual basis through external training; other training is provided through the extended services cluster for all cluster schools to access as appropriate.

Whenever possible, your child will be included in every aspect of school life. You will be consulted about how the school can organise events. School will ensure staffing ratios for special events and visits are appropriate to ensure children with SEND can take as full a part in the activity as possible. If additional adults are required, you may be asked to come on a visit. After school clubs are available. Activities eg dance, will be differentiated to allow your child to take part.

The school is on one level. The external doors are wide enough for wheelchairs. There is a disabled toilet, located centrally in the building, which is accessible by wheelchair. Additional equipment is available eg specific seat for IT at the correct height. Equipment is stored safely within school.

The school spends the money it receives wisely to ensure everyone can succeed. Where necessary, additional teaching assistants are employed to support your child. This will usually be in a small group as most children do not need 1:1 support. If a child needs this support, then the money is spent on staffing. The SENDCO, Headteacher and class teacher will discuss what will best support your child. Parents are often involved in these decisions. Some money is spent on additional resources eg sloping desk tops, laptops, changing equipment.

Parents are regularly invited into school to discuss the needs of their child. Parents are always welcome to ask for an appointment with any member of staff. Parents are given the opportunity to be involved in school life at the level they want. Some parents are unable to help due to work commitments. If parents want to volunteer, they will need a DBS check to ensure they are allowed to work with children in the same way that all staff are checked.

If you wish to apply for a place at Kerr Mackie Primary school, please make an appointment to meet the Headteacher who will be happy to show you around the school and discuss the needs of your child. 

If you want to know more about how Kerr Mackie works with SEND children, please make an appointment with the SENDCO, Mrs Davies or Assistant SENDCo Mrs Garlick.

All enquiries can be made through the office email address:

If you want more information about the Leeds local authority offer, please visit the authority website

A prompt face to face meeting will be arranged with the SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo to discuss your concerns. A record of the concern/complaint will be made with clear actions that will be taken, with timescales, to address the concern and a review meeting will be arranged. Access to the school’s complaints procedure will be provided if required. Every effort will be made to address the concerns with the interests of the children at the heart of all discussions. 

You can access our school policy by clicking on the link below:

Complaints Policy

If you still have concerns regarding support for your child with SEND issues


Please contact :

Mrs Kate Davies


Kerr Mackie Primary School

Gledhow Lane

Leeds LS8 1NE

Tel 0113 3368499
