Kerr Mackie Primary School
Gledhow Lane

0113 336 8499

Kerr Mackie Primary School

Together everyone achieves more.

Enrichment Activities


We want to ensure that the learning of our pupils extends beyond the classroom.


We are proud to boast an array of enrichment opportunities for our pupils through our various clubs which are ran by both school staff and out of school providers. 


To ensure every child has the opportunity to participate in a club that they will enjoy, we vary the age-range of some of our enrichment clubs throughout the year.  This is usually done on a half-termly or termly basis. 


Please see below for a list of the clubs that we are offering for this half term: 


Summer (half term 1) Lunchtime Clubs 
  • Harry Potter Club
  • Choir
  • Drawing 
  • Lego (KS1/reception)
  • TT rockstars 
  • Wordshark 
Summer (half term 1) After school Clubs 
  • Boom Whackers (KS1)
  • Cricket
  • Dodgeball
  • Football - (KS2)
  • Netball