Kerr Mackie Primary School
Gledhow Lane

0113 336 8499

Kerr Mackie Primary School

Together everyone achieves more.

School Council

We are very proud of our school council and the work that they do to support life in school. 
Every year, children from Year 2 and above who are interested in becoming a school councillor are asked to submit an application to their class. These applications are considered and each class elects one school councillor for the academic year. The full school council body, made up of 10 representatives, also consists of a chair and vice chair who are voted in by the school council members. Representatives from Year 1 are invited to join the school council meetings from the summer term.
The school council meets regularly to discuss pertinent issues raised by classes, issues that the Senior Leadership Team would like us to consider or to work on our school council projects for the year. These meetings are run by the chair and vice chair of the school council and are minuted. If there are ideas or proposals that need to be taken back to classes for further discussion, it is the role of the school councillors to do this and then report back at the next school council meeting. Should proposals need to be discussed with the staff or leadership team, the school council will also undertake this responsibility.
Each year, the school council creates an action plan, detailing 3 key projects that they would like to support. These projects then form the foundation of much of the work and fundraising that the school council will organise during the year.