Together everyone achieves more.

Supporting carers and families


At Kerr Mackie Primary School, our core values of Care and Community extend to all members of our wider school community - we believe that the families, parents, and carers of our pupils should feel as included and supported by the school as their children do. 

Our help and support may include:

  • Strengthening home/school relationships,
  • Offering strategies for parents/carers to improve behaviour at home,
  • Supporting families undergoing changes such as family breakdown,
  • Providing guidance and access to external agencies and community services,
  • Organising family support workshops on topics like building respect and resilience in your child, communication, discipline, and behaviour management,
  • Assisting with benefit application forms,
  • Managing school attendance and supporting families with absence and lateness issues,
  • Helping to access benefits, housing, SEN, or EHCP,
  • Offering one-on-one advice and support,
  • Providing a listening ear.


Please feel free to contact us either through the school Office (on 0113 3368499) or catch us on the school gate at the beginning and end of the school day.

Some useful links and documents can be found below.


Citizens Advice - Benefits

NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe

Money Buddies - A Charity that can support those in financial difficulty

CAFCASS - Children and Families Court Service Support

Leeds Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic Violence Notification Protocol Parent Letter