Kerr Mackie Primary School
Gledhow Lane

0113 336 8499

Kerr Mackie Primary School

Together everyone achieves more.

School Day


Please view the times of our school day below. 

Please note: to ease congestion around the site, we stagger our start and finish times with Roundhay High School.


School Day Timetable 



Year Group

Start Time

Finish Time


8.45 am

3.15 pm

Years 1 – 6

8.45 am

3.25 pm

Nursery   (Morning Session)

Nursery   (Afternoon Session)

8.45 am

12.15 pm

11.45 am

3.15 pm



In the morning, cloakroom doors are opened at 8:45am and we encourage the children to arrive as close to that time as possible  There will be focused tasks for your child to complete each morning during registration.  Morning registration will be completed and the cloakroom doors closed at 9:00am.

Children who arrive after the doors are closed will need to go to the main entrance door by the school office and sign in as late on the computer entry sign in system.



Assemblies and Reflection Time 
To help support our ethos of 'Community', we hold assemblies or class community builders at 9:30 each day and lasts between 15 - 25 minutes.
Assembly Timetable

Community Check In

This check-in is delivered in the classroom and delivered by a member of staff within that class team. 


Learning Behaviour and School Values

This is a whole-school assembly introduces one of our learning behaviours for the week and is delivered by Mrs Furlong. 


British Values

This assembly is delivered by either Mr Swanston or Mrs Davies and focuses on one of the five British Values: Democracy, Rule of law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance.


Share Our learning and Reflection

This is a brilliant chance for pupils to show off their learning.  Each week a different class will deliver the assembly (alongside their class teacher) and show the rest of the school what they have been learning.  Parents of the pupils in assembly are invited to attend so keep an eye out in our newsletters to see if it's your child's turn! 


Celebration Assembly

This assembly celebrates all the fantastic achievements that our pupils have done that week.  Parents of any pupils receiving an award are invited to attend - you will be contacted via parentmail the day before to let you know if it's your child. 


Lunchtime and end of day procedures 

The children have an hour for lunch from 11.45am am until 12.45pm in Reception and from 12.00pm until 1.00pm in Years 1 to 6.


At the end of the day, at 3.25pm (3.15pm for nursery and reception classes), parents should wait for their child outside the cloakroom doors. Any parent that arrives after the cloakroom doors are closed will need to collect their child(ren) from our Wrap Around Care. There will be a charge for this service.


Before and After School club

We also offer full wrap-around care in our before and after school club (also inclusive for our Nursery children).  Breakfast club starts from 7.30am and our afterschool club finishes at 6pm throughout the week. Please contact the office for more details: